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Cellulite Buster

Safe, non-surgical methods to reduce cellulite and tighten skin.

Lose That Last 5-10kg

We tailor-make a program that targets your problem areas fast.

Hormonal Weight Rescue

Fat burning, hot-flush relief and smoother skin with Infrared technology.

Pre-Baby Body

Gentle, low-impact exercise to get your pre-baby body & health back.

Big Event Ready

Fit into that perfect dress in no time with our state of the art technology.

Pain Management / Stress Relief

Get your energy & health back with our easy, bite-sized programs.

Our techniques and systems work the body as a whole, WITHOUT HIGH OR PAINSTAKING EXERTION. Our techniques vary and are tailored to each and every one BUT they all do serious FAT BURNING! All of our options offer LOW IMPACT EXERCISE with 3x the effectiveness of normal exercises!

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