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What is Figure By Design?

FBD is a female boutique that offers a day spa experience to lose weight, reduce cellulite and improve wellness. We use state of the art, no-low impact exercises that increase detox, lymphatic drainage and circulation. We also offer infrared technology assisting with calorie burn, fat elimination, muscle recovery and pain management. We also provide colour therapy and collagen light therapy enhancing mood and skin tone. All in a resort style fitness utopia. Our concept is proven, award- winning and unique but allows the body to rest-revive-thrive.



Who can attend?


We work with all women 18 and over in all shapes and sizes.



Do I need to be fit?


No, most of our programs are designed to be low to no impact, allowing women of all fitness levels to attend.



Is Figure by Design a gym?


No, we are proud NOT to be a gym. We offer a place to allow the body to get well and lose weight through proven measures that do not include starvation, deprivation or exertion.



What do I wear?


Comfortable active wear, ¾- full length tights, tracksuit pants, t-shirt, shoes and socks.



Does it hurt?


No, most treatments are actually low-no impact and are all customised to your abilities. 



Should I eat before I come?


Yes, the body will always work better with calories in for calories out. We do recommend light, low carb and higher protein meals after.



How much is it?


This answer really depends on each client, their goals, their needs, their budget and their timeframe. You can trial your first session for FREE or try 3 for $99. Then take advantage of our heavily discounted, but all-inclusive packages. During your initial consulting time with us you will be presented with package options and have the choice to choose what’s right for you. Weekly Payment plans are available, also 12 months interest free.



How do I know If it suits me?


One of our qualified coaches will access your health and future wellness goals, your physical and medical history and your appropriate outcome will be jointly designed.



What is the best way for women to lose weight?


There are many answers that include:

  • Drinking more

  • Eating less carbs

  • Exercising

  • Increasing protein


These are all standard across the board things that work for most, but we believe in personalising it more. We know that exercise is part of weight loss, but we encourage low impact exercise that promotes detoxing and lymphatic drainage. Infrared technology also increases calorie burn without causing stress in the body. Eliminating stress and allowing the body to revive increases weight loss by 3x traditional exercise.


How does infrared help weight loss?

Current research shows behaviour change techniques are now critical to weight management programs. 

Infrared saunas and heat therapies are beautiful, enjoyable experiences using infrared light to heat your body from the inside instead of heating the air. Infrared saunas can do more for the body’s health in a more pleasant environment.


Clinical studies, prove you can burn as much as 600 calories in one infrared sauna session. That's roughly equivalent to jogging or swimming for an hour. Not only do you burn calories, but it assists in boosting your metabolism, removes toxins, increases collagen production, aids pain relief and improves cellulite.


Is infrared safe?


Yes infrared is 100% safe. Compared to the “heat of the sun” Far Infrared panels do not emit ultraviolet. Ultraviolet is on the “high energy” side of the Electromagnetic spectrum and is associated with the harmful effects of exposure to the sun. At the opposite end of the spectrum, infrared is on the “low energy” side of the Electromagnetic spectrum and does not have any of the harmful characteristics of Ultraviolet. Far infrared, the gentlest form of infrared, is often used in incubators for babies.


The therapy is safe and natural, which enables it to be offered as an alternative treatment for various health conditions like muscle pain, joint stiffness, and arthritis, to name a few. Infrared therapy has many roles in the human body. These include detoxification, pain relief, reduction of muscle tension, relaxation, improved circulation, weight loss, skin purification, lowered side effects of diabetes, boosting of the immune system and lowering of blood pressure.


Can I get rid of cellulite?


90% of women have cellulite and it is caused by many different things. It is trapped fat that doesn’t respond to normal exercise. Utilising technology that is safe and natural, includes gentle exercise, lymphatic drainage and infrared helps reduce cellulite by 80%. Increasing circulation in the lower half of the body with vacuum compression allows the blood flow and toxin release to be improved.


Allowing the infrared to penetrate helps to loosen the fat and with the combined pressure of the vacuum technology allows it to be removed naturally from your body. We have seen with our methods a 3x quicker improvement, than through traditional ways of exercise.


Is it safe to exercise after having a baby?

Yes it is safe to exercise after having a baby. But you should also allow your body to rest and recover for 8-12 weeks before you do. We utilise the benefits of a horizontal bike to work on repairing and strengthening your tummy muscles and pelvic floor. The added benefit of infrared helps the body to heal, burn calories quickly, and our vacuum technology helps realign your muscles and improve lymphatic drainage which eliminates fatty acids. The answer to awesome results is not to overdo it – less is best.



How long is a session and programs?

Our programs work on 30 minute or 60-minute appointments depending on your chosen program, 3x per week.

Depending on your package it could be 6-12 weeks.


When should I see results?


You will be weighed and measured every 2 weeks where results will be apparent. Most clients will lose more than a dress size in under 4 weeks.


How to lose weight in menopause?

Hormone changes, stress, and the aging process can all work against you. However, there are several steps you can take to make weight loss easier during this time. Working with a qualified coach and having programs designed around your hormones, limitations and nutrition is optimum. We will analyse all the above information and customise the right exercise, eating and resting plan to allow your hormones to be controlled and excited about weight loss and wellness.


Can I lose belly fat?

Yes you can. Belly fat comes from hormonal shifts, poor eating, genetics and sometimes even bad posture. Sit ups and extreme exercise doesn’t assist you. To remove trapped fat, utilising the methods of lymphatic drainage, colour therapy and infrared technology have proven to be 3x as effective as traditional exercise. And you only need to do 30 minutes, 3x per week.


Do I need to be fit?

No, we work with all age and fitness levels. Our programs are designed to be no-low impact sessions. So, fitness does not have to be your barrio to weight loss or wellness. Your program will be designed around your capabilities and goals, monitored and tweaked.


When can I come in?

We run on an appointment schedule. So, machines and coaches are pre- booked. This way you can design your package around what fits into your schedule, and it also means we are valuing your time by not keeping you waiting. It also allows us to be COVID-SAFE and comply with social distancing rules.



What do I need to bring?

We request you wear gym appropriate attire (3/4 or full-length tights, t-shirts, socks and runners). We also request that you bring your own bath/beach towel and bottle of water. All equipment is sterilised by staff members to ensure your safety before and after each use, and there are hand sanitising stations located around the studio.

Are there any guarantees?


YES- If you do as instructed by your coaches and the program set out for you, and if you DO NOT LOSE 20cm between your waist and your knees in the first 4 weeks – you will be gifted 3 equal valued sessions for FREE. Your success is our success. You will have one on one attention from a coach each time you visit and regular weigh and measures to progress you further quicker. WE are in this together- you will not have to flounder on your own.





We practice COVID SAFETY protocol. Our team is double vaccinated as too is the requirements of our patrons. QR scanning in and out is expected. In studio in high-risk times – temperatures will be taken on arrival. All equipment is at least 1.5 metres apart, maximum people in one room is 3-4, alternatively a lot of equipment is in private rooms (1 only). All equipment is sterilised and sanitised before and after each use by team members to ensure your safety, and clients are expected to supply and use their own towels and water bottles. Hand sanitising stations are located around the studio for everyone’s convenience.

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